Preparing for your P-Spot Massage
Prostate massage prep varies depending on the individual. For those with experience and confidence receiving prostate massage, no special preparation beyond a thorough cleaning of the area and regular bowel movement is needed.
If you concerned about leakage, administering an enema and fasting for a few hours prior to the session are advised. Always listen to your body, and communicate with me before taking the steps below if you feel anxious or inhibited for any reason.
Enema Prep
Purchase a Fleet enema (available at any drugstore) or a reusable enema bulb (Amazon has several). If you purchase the Fleet enema, dump the contents of the enema out. You do not want to use the saline solution that comes prepackaged. Reusable enema bulbs come empty.
Whether you’re using the empty Fleet bottle or a reusable enema bulb, fill it with comfortably warm water. Do not use very hot or cool/cold water. Insert the nozzle, and squeeze the bottle/bulb. DO NOT RELEASE THE BOTTLE/BULB. Remove the nozzle, and then release the bottle/bulb.
Hold the water momentarily and then release. Repeat this 2-5 times, and you’ll find yourself in great shape for a prostate massage.
Mental and Emotional Preparation for Prostate Massage is discussed here_____.