Couples Sex Therapy

True love is not a hide and seek game: in true love, both lovers seek each other.
— Michael Bassey Johnson

The ability to fully be ourself in intimate relationships is vital to authentic intimacy and essential for maintaining self-esteem and self-respect. When we’re uncomfortable sharing our feelings, expressing our needs, and saying “no" to what we don’t like, we show up wearing a mask. Self-abandonment appears in myriad ways: doing things that cause us pain or discomfort, having sex to please our partner, ignoring boundary violations, or simply telling ourself we’re “fine” with circumstances that leave us longing for more or worse—feeling unloved, used, abandoned. When we self-abandon within a partnership, we are not present for our lover because we are preoccupied with pleasing them or protecting ourself. Practicing erotic mindfulness brings us into the present and allows us to be seen and heard and loved for who we are without the mask.

Though we live in a hyper sexualized culture, most of us carry shame, embarrassment, and fear when it comes to our own sexuality. These feelings persist, even in the most loving relationships.

Avoiding conversations and situations that provoke such negative emotions (and the underlying memories)—is the default strategy often employed at the expense of our own body and spirit. We go along with routine and concede to arbitrary expectations, justifying the sacrifice of our our most fundamental needs for the sake of expedience or keeping the peace. Expedience has no place in intimacy.

Over time, chronic self-abandonment can cause health issues, emotional imbalance, low self-esteem, and erodes the sacred bond a couple shares.

Even couples who enjoy a healthy sex life go through the doldrums and fall into patterns of taking sex for granted, making it a routine rather than an opportunity to bond and take the relationship to a higher level.

If you and your partner are seeking a path to deeper intimacy, want to spice your sex life up, or just need a safe space to address uncomfortable topics with a compassionate, non-judgmental teacher, a couples workshop with me might be just what you need to deepen your emotional and physical connection, and learn ways to honor each other’s unique sexuality and attachment style.

I love to work with couples, and am always honored to be a part of deepening the love in long-term partnerships. Nothing is more powerful to witness than two people who love each other and are willing to work together to strengthen their relationship.

Considering a Couples Workshop?

Join me for a super fun and sexy class tailored to you and your beloved.

Our three hour workshop will include:

  • Video chat interview and questionnaire prior to booking

  • Addressing attachment styles and individual needs

  • Instruction in Erotic Mindfulness as the foundation for self-healing and bonding

  • Sensual massage, Nuru, and sensory play instruction for home practice

  • Homework, educational resources, and referrals (if needed)

  • Follow up video chat

For those more comfortable doing this work in your personal space, I am happy to come to your home or hotel. Travel rates apply.

Please feel free to email me directly to set up a discovery call if a couples workshop is something you and your partner are considering. All couples’s must participate jointly in a 30-min phone interview prior to meeting.

Private Workshops (3 hours) : $1200

(Workshop includes 30-min video chat intake, homework, and 30-min follow up.)

My wife and I had the privilege of spending several hours with Danielle during our anniversary weekend. Her ability to discover new ways for my wife and I to connect physically was superb. She demonstrated massage and relaxation techniques as well as ways to increase sensitivity and acceptance. We thoroughly enjoyed our time and Danielle's approach to building connection and expression to deepen our relationship. Thank you, Danielle!

Ready to Meet